
Monday, 3 March 2014


Rev. Njohi, the pastor/owner of Lord’s Propeller Redemption church in Dandora (Nairobi, Kenya) has ordered all women never to wear panties or bras when attending service in his church. The pastor warned all female members of his congregation of dire consequences should one go against the ruling. He said when going to church people need to be "free in body and spirit to receive Christ". They were also advised to do the same to their daughters when coming to church on Sundays and to "double check" them to make sure they didn't sneak and wear undergarments. According to one member, the women did as they were ordered last Sunday and no undergarments.


  1. Concept pastor.

  2. oh!! christians when prophet isah a s that is jesus come back he will not enter your houses because you are not practising to dress how he did.jesus and mary dress well .mary wears hijab and covered all her body.christian why you will not do so.jesus and mary belong to muslims only they are our own and we love them very well bcos we are practicing them.

  3. Madam Sarah, this picture is from a different event. I saw this picture early last year on facebook

    1. I guess she only used this as an illustration

    2. Na Picture dey worry u or na the news

    3. You wan use picture make the scenario worse than real

  4. OMG!!! The guy must be sick in the head or something. God ve mercy!

  5. Lol, purely signs of d end time and last days, gird ur loins, so ur not taken unawares...

  6. Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. The end of the world is near., beware.

  7. The madness will not even reach Nigeria IN

  8. Wetin concern Islam for this matter?

    1. nothing concern Islam with this post if u hv nothing to say better u keep quite.

  9. Modern christianity and its unending dramas.

    1. we pray for modern Islam too, We are sick and tired of their vampire culture in the name of Jihad. At least Christianity offers liberty of thought, expression and action. Islam should modernise biko, and let God be the ultimate judge of every soul.!

  10. Lots of servants of God wont make it on dat day, d signs r just too obvious to ignore...

  11. Most people are not going to Church to hear the message 'repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand'. They are going for promotion in office, advancement in business, looking for husband, protection from evil spirits, etc. The Christians and their Leaders do not look or sound anything like Christ anymore. What do you expect from refusing fully functional adults from marriage is Naked Church, Child molestation and bluetooth contacted pregnancy like the virgin Italian Nun who recently got pregnant. My friend am a Barca fan, we have a match going on.
    On behalf of the holy father and the virgin Mary I pardon your lame excuse.

  12. Both pastor nd members r fools,dnt dey read bible 4 demslfs

  13. his is Christian Ihram dress in Kenya church.

    The kenya Pastor is trying to introduce Ihram clothing to his church

    May God almighty save us from this end time Pastors

  14. if such were the priests then God save the congregation. May God deliver us from this modern day men of God. I am a muslim but i think am interesting in this would be free of charge church. This is a disco club with no gate fee o. Oga pastor i am on my way to Nairobi. The devil is at work in this church and he need bad people like me.

  15. n no distance time you'll here all the female congregance are pregnant for the holly spirit. By witnessing a very increase of male members.

  16. D end is finally here

  17. This is a sign of depravity. Clearly, we are in the end of the end times before the great tribulation. Anyone not aware of the times is not even trying to look. You don’t need a preacher or a “church” to find God. You need only to get on your knees and pray to Him consistently in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, read His Word and wait for Him

  18. I guess it is within their rights to dress anyway the like to Church . They can go naked if they like . As my woman has rights to use her hijab anywhere .

  19. ts really amazing.well,everyone will be judge accordingly

  20. Is there anything like Right in religion? They can go naked for easy access by the 'holy spirit' if that is what their church says. The End Time is certainly not near yet!

  21. And that is the bible decree according to the pastor. He is just a pimp.

  22. oh!! christians when prophet isah a s that is jesus come back he will not enter your houses because you are not practising to dress how he did.jesus and mary dress well .mary wears hijab and covered all her body.christian why you will not do so.jesus and mary belong to muslims only they are our own and we love them very well bcos we are practicing them.

  23. we were told to be carefull, because false prophet will rise and deceive a lot of people. The Bible should be our standard

  24. Reverend Njohi should be flogged!

  25. "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keep your senses in all things ..." 2Timothy 4:3-5

  26. Worshipping as the gods made you is very old. It's unfortunate that these folks think they are still Christians, when they have made a giant step toward paganism. Their practices are out of touch with the beliefs they profess. My prayers are with them. May they continue on their path and find satisfaction in the worship of the old gods. And the Christian god, who is loving and forgiving, will surely forgive them if they do :)

  27. Some of what you say bears repeating:

    "Their practices are out of touch with the beliefs they profess".

    Kinda like good "Christians" who hate gays and oppose marriage equality?

    Like that?
